It is now the Year of the Ox. According to the trusty local news in Hawai'i, it should be a bullish year as it is the year of the ox under the earth element. The ox is known to be tolerant, able, and patient and can be relied upon to complete the task in hand and to remain loyal. Next year is the year of the tiger, a year of unpredictability, so we should work hard this year and prepare for the next!
Apparently Barack Obama is an Ox, born under the element of metal. Earth Oxes are the most hard working of us all: workaholics who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. They have the strength of metal. Hopefully that means he will do a good job!

I am a Horse. I get on well with Tigers, Rams, Roosters and Dogs. I am, however bored by the Ox, who appears to the Horse as a stick-in- the- mud! I was also born under the element of fire and found the following piece from the http://chinatownhi.com interesting:
The Horse likes to have the support and encouragement of others despite the fact he/she can't stand petty rules and regulations. If he/she feels you are behind him in his endeavor then you can point the way and criticize all you like, but if he/she feels you are not trying to support him/her then he will become defiant. He/she can be a tireless worker and enjoys a challenge. Success is very important to the Horse. It can become the foremost item in his/her life and can be an obsession. Sorry to say, the business executive who works till he/she drops is most probably a Horse. Should the Horse fail at his/her work, unlike the Dragon who will bo

I also thought the tiger description was Nick to a T: he is a Water-Tiger
The Tiger adores a challenge and competition. He/She is prepared to take risks in business as well as his/her love life if something catches his/her imagination. He/She will risk everything for what attracts his/her fancy. He/She will not be bound by convention or the dictates of others. It is not surprising to see the Tiger cast off his job , position or marriage in order to go off and do what he/she wants to do. The Tiger has a restless nature and will experience freedom at all costs. Once the Tiger has acquired this new life, new romance, new thing that was so tantalizing to him/her, he/she will soon tire of it and cast it away. It is imperative for the Tiger to continue having the feeling that he/she is free to do as he/she wishes. He/she loves challenges and sometimes the "getting" of the thing he/she has gone after is the best part of the experience for him/her. The chase is the "thing". Once the thing has been "gotten" the allure is no longer there. The Tiger is so impulsive that he/she himself/herself regrets his/her own impulsiveness, but he/she cannot help himself/herself. He/she is quick to act on those yearnings which engulf him/her. It is difficult for the restless Tiger to enjoy a great deal of success because he/she never sticks to anything long enough to accomplish the goal in which he/she sets for himself.
Because of constant change in his/her life it is a good thing that he/she is adaptable. He/she has an adventurous spirit and doesn't want to settle in one place for any length of time. In the early stages of life, The Tiger most likely will change career paths several times, his/her jobs, his/her residences and his/her romances. The Tiger is surprisingly honest and forthcoming in his/her dealings with the people in his/her life. He/she will not sneak out of a job or relationship. He/she will confront the people to be told and tell them he/she is moving on. He/she sees nothing wrong with this behavior and thus is not ashamed of living his/her life according to his/her own wishes. Courage comes into play again as the Tiger faces life head on. He/she hates any sort of hypocrisy or falsehood and doesn't see why people have to lie to each other. He/she can be rebellious especially against any form of petty authority. The Tiger never avoids his God-given right to stand up for himself/herself and express his/her opinions. If someone must be confronted, the Tiger doesn't shirk his duty from lack of courage. This tendency can make him/her a natural leader and his/her adaptability could make him/her a natural for the armed services if he/she could avoid feelings of rebelliousness for authority. Very few are to found in the military due to the failure of the Tiger to obey orders.
The Tiger is independent and rarely asks help from others. He/she does not like to give others credit for his/her accomplishments and doesn't suffer from false humbleness. He/she is too honest for that. He/she is generous and a little too much of a spendthrift. (a little, I say?!)
Horse & Tiger The optimistic personalities of the Horse and the Tiger make them a good pair. They each need independence and understand that need in the other. As lovers they will flourish. Their overall compatibility rating is 90%.
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