I have an interview on the Thursday morning at EF English Language School based in the Waikiki Trade Center. The school opened in June and everything is bright, light, and brand new. And there are amazing views of the ocean. The interview lasts two hours and includes a tour of the building. Everything seems to be going well, but at the end the Director of Studies says he will call me the next day to let me know either way, will only have around 6 hours of teaching for me at the moment and then tells me that there is no syllabus for the classes I could be potentially teaching so I will have to create one. Hmm. Not really what I wanted to hear! The school has had some visa delay issues and so there are only 35 students at the moment and thy already have a couple of full time teachers. It makes me worry that I may have to piecemeal different classes from different schools together which is not what I wanted to do, but we’ll see.
The second interview in the afternoon is at Global Village. It’s a Canadian company that has schools throughout Canada, a couple in Australia and New Zealand and now one in Hawaii. Tamara offers me a job before I leave (after 10 minutes she is already talking about the schedule so I can start thinking about what classes I would prefer). The pay isn’t quite as high as I wanted, but they seem organized, the students are all young adults from all over and there is high energy in the common areas. It seems like a fun place to be. She can probably only offer me 10 hours a week though for the next month and their contract prohibits me from taking classes at any rival private language school.
When I check email, the school that had already offered me teaching hours has reneged: they had a drop in student enrollments and can’t offer me any classes. Damn! I decide to call GV and take their offer.
Now two weeks later I have been teaching 18 hours a week, and they think there could be 25 hours a week starting with the next term on November 20. I love my job! I am so excited to be back teaching again almost full time. The students are generally responsive and are a lot of fun, the classes I am teaching at this point are additional credit with no set schedule so they are flexible and I am free to teach whatever I think is needed. They talk a lot and we laugh a lot and I am very happy to be here and doing this - it’s still hot and sweaty though!
Mystical Groceries
11 years ago
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