Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor.

Catch the trade winds in your sails.




Mark Twain

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Curecanti Creek

This weekend we gave my feet a bit of a break (!) and did some car camping! We decided to check out access points for Morrow Reservoir which is in the Curecanti National Recreation Center. Morrow Reservoir is pretty much the start of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison - it sits to the west of the Blue Mesa Reservoir and dam. We are hoping to take the canoe down there next week to do some over night camping: we just have to get past those raging rapids that you can see on the left - I'm still not overly confident in my manoevering abilities!

Of course, Nick took his rod and did a little fishing. Unfortunately he didn't catch anything - hopefully next week will be more productive as we may actually need to keep the fish for something to eat!

We drove up Curecanti Creek road to the north of the reservoir looking for a place to camp. Since it was the weekend before July 4th, we figured we had better get off the beaten track... sometimes we forget that this area isn't as crowded as the Front Range tends to be. The road was decent though - there were even some trailers at the first couple of site options we saw. We eventually found a place...and realized we had forgotten the water filter! Good job we had the cooler loaded with plenty of ice to keep the beer cool!!!
The next day we drove further up the creek and found the perfect camp spot:
It was cool, shady, level, and right on the river.
We will be back!

Nick caught a ton of fish - the brookies were hitting his line every time it was presented...some of them weren't that big - but then neither was the river! I was quite content sitting and catching up on some summer reading in the shade!

This photo was later in the afternoon when some clouds passed over - it was completely dry on the ground and the sun was even shining a little, but the clouds had a rainbow in them. We thought it was pretty cool...

We came back later on Saturday so we could have a day here in Crested Butte and get some stuff done...yep, boring stuff like laundry, grocery shopping, vacuuming and working on the condo. The weather was beautiful up here after the heat in the Gunnison area (I feel sorry for those of you in Denver with 100 degree plus temps - and those in Tucson and New Mexico were I'm sure it's even hotter!). We rode down to CB South to test out the bikes -about 10 miles there and back, and we also managed to get in a paddle on the canoe! Of course, we hit the new farmers market in town, bought some locally made wine and had a beer on a patio and watched the world go by. Not a hugely taxing weekend, but it was fun! Hope everyone is enjoying there summer as much as we are....
Wait until you can laugh at us shivering here in the middle of winter if we decide to stay for ski season!

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