Here are some photos from our first camp trip of the year. We decided on twin Lakes near Leadville/Independence Pass so that we could use the canoe. Camped there Thursday night and then left for the Front range on Friday morning. Picked up paddles and various misc items that we desperately needed from REI (!) and then headed for Boulder. Had lunch at the Med (yum) Picked up the canoe and headed back....then the car broke down...
3 pm on a Friday afternoon - fortunately we have a great mechanic and once we were able to get it to him (good job we broke down in Boulder!) he was able to fix it and get us back on the road by 5.15
Saturday we hit the Lakes!
Here are Nick and I with the canoe - we didn't take the camera as I forgot the waterproof bag...!
Twin Lakes was beautiful - the weather was great - other than the wind that blew up in the afternoon and made me a little nervous on the canoe...
had the perfect camping spot - up on the ridge overlooking the lakes
So much for the camp food - we ate a the Med and then a little restaurant we know of in Twin Lakes...we found it on the Colorado Trail and went back to say hi...first time we have been back since - think it may now be a regular - especially since we have the canoe and she sits perfectly on top of Daphne (my car!)
Great weekend all round...where to next?
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