It's March 14 and we have received 356 inches of snow, with more due over the next four days...Yep feels like summer will never come again...even some snowdrops or crocuses poking through at this point would be celebrated, but I don't think there is anything alive under that 28 and a half feet of snow!!!
The reds, blues, greens and yellows that the houses are painted; the dark and light blues of the perfectly clear sky; the greens that distinguish the different grasses in the meadows and on the mountain sides; and the profusion of wild flowers that are everywhere from the high mountain slopes surrounding us to the hanging baskets, planters and borders that spill their bounty every where and add to the beauty of the town.
...and then I also started to appreciate that people were trying to contrast the colour of their houses against the colours of the flowers they had planted...much like we did with the dark red snapdragons and the adobe coloured stucco of our house on Caribou Pass Circle....
This house is neutral with lovely pastel lupines (I believe) out front
I have yet to take a photo of the deep red chile ristras that contrast beautifully with a dark green house on one of the side streets here in town...or the house that has vivid violety-indigo flowers hanging in baskets against a beige wall, perfectly complimenting each other. That will have to happen next summer...when it finally gets here!
And of course, there is that other perennial summer view of Crested Butte that I snapped one day when every one was vying for the perfect parking spot outside the Brick Oven so they could quaff a cold beer after a long day!...
Aah...just looking forward to those long summer days when I don't have to put on four layers, boots, gloves, scarves and hats just to start the car in the morning!